15 Important Questions Atheists Want Religious People to Answer

Krystal Smith

The question of whether or not there is a God has been a topic of discussion for centuries. At some point in their lives, everyone has pondered the existence of a higher being. Some people believe in God from birth and have never questioned their faith. Others have never believed in God at any point in their lives. The rest of us lean toward one side or the other, with some wavering back and forth.

This is an important philosophical question that helps us understand the world, the universe, and existence itself. It also helps us better understand ourselves. According to a survey, 56% of Americans believe in God, leaving the rest either agnostic, atheist or followers of a religion that doesn’t center around one God. In this article, we will examine the question of God’s existence and explore some of the answers that believers and religious people give to atheists who insist that there is no God.

Why Does God Allow Tragedies?

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You might hear an atheist bring up tragedies, people starving, genocide, or any example of immense suffering of the innocent and ask why. Theists believe that god gave man free will, and that god only intervenes in day to day life through miracles.  Atheists question the logic of the conditional role god chooses to play in this scenario.

If God Created the Universe Then Who Created God?

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Most theists believe that god is eternal and therefore always existed. Some might suggest that god created time, space, and the universe all at the same time. Atheists insist that something cannot come from nothing, and therefore something must have created god in the first place. The phrase ex nihilo nihil fit is latin for “from nothing comes nothing.” This argument has been used by philosophers throughout history to refute the notion of an eternal God.

Where is the Proof That God Exists?

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Many theists believe that the existence of man, the world, and the universe are all proof that god exists. They argue that everything we see is god’s creation, and the forces of the universe serve as proof that only something as powerful as god could have created it.

Atheists suggest that the big bang is origin of the universe and that beyond that everything can be explained by science. They claim that any existence at all before the big bang simply unknown, or even unknowable.

Why Doesn’t God Show Himself?

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Theists suggest that god is omnipresent, and is in all living things, including us. Some claim to be able to feel god’s presence, or even suggest they’ve experienced divine intervention. These experiences are interpreted as signs from god.

Atheists insist that there are no signs from god. They ask why god doesn’t just show himself to everyone to prove his existence.

Do You Believe in Evolution?

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Creationists, or people who take a literal translation of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, feel that scientific evidence for evolution was put here by god, possibly to test their faith.

Atheists tend to believe strongly in Darwinism (the findings of Charles Darwin), and feel that it’s undeniable evidence that life evolved on our planet from simple life forms to all of the species we have now.

There are some theists who believe in evolution, and believe in both modern science and the existence of god.

Why Do You Think Your Religion is the Correct One?

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Religious people tend to subscribe to just one religion and reject the others. Theists who are impartial to any specific religion might share the same sentiment as atheists in this regard. They might acknowledge the similarities between some world religions and suggest that which exact one a person follows isn’t as important as recognizing there is a god and praying.

Atheists tend to believe that a person’s choice of religion is based solely on what culture they were born into, and is thus arbitrary.

Have You Found Any Contradictions in Your Holy Text?

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Religious people tend to acknowledge the differences between modern society and antiquity. Beyond this, there are certain passages or certain aspects of the Bible and other holy texts that cause scrutiny from atheists under the context that they contradict statements made in other passages.

Some more reformed believers consider biblical texts as being open to interpretation and metaphorical.  Atheists tend to reject holy texts, citing any apparent contradictions they can find and pointing out what they consider to be flaws in the text.

Do You Believe Everything in Your Holy Text?

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Religious people typically accept their holy text as the word of god, verbatim. This can cause friction with modern concepts of personal freedom and liberties that didn’t exist in biblical times.

Some atheists criticize the archaic laws and customs of the Bible, and insist that it’s outdated and shouldn’t be followed by modern people.

Why Have So Many Wars Have Been Fought in the Name of Religion?

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From biblical times to modern day, it’s true that many wars have been fought in the name of religion. From the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades, to modern religious extremists and terror attacks, many have suffered.

However, most religious people don’t support going to war with people who have different beliefs. Those who have been mislead to resort to violence fail to see the peaceful messages that are present in virtually all religious texts.

Some atheists feel that the world would be more peaceful without the impact of any religions.

Do You Believe People Can Still Be Moral Without Religion?

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Religion provides guidance for many people. It set laws and rules for ancient societies to abide by. And many religious people feel these laws are necessary to dictates what is right and wrong for humankind.  Many atheists feel that morality is innate and modern society’s laws are sufficient to govern mankind.

Do You Think Believing in an Afterlife Accepts the Way You Behave in This Life?

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Atheists might point out the idea that some believers could allow the concept of an afterlife, heaven and hell, or reincarnation to weigh the significance of the events in their worldly life. The presumption that death isn’t the end could have an influence of people’s behavior and day to day decision making.

What Makes You So Sure That There’s Only One God?

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Most believers take the Bible or whatever their religious text may be as absolute truth. This is a matter of faith, something that atheists often have a hard time understanding or relating to.  Atheists often point out the unknowable nature of an all powerful creator or concept of god or many gods. Without scientific proof, they find it illogical to believe so strongly in something that plays such an important role.

Do You Believe in Fate?

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The concept of fate present in all world religions, but it creates a fascinating discussion around the purpose of life, the possibility of destiny, and one’s role in the grand scheme of existence.  Fatalists take solace in the belief that people aren’t truly in control of what happens in the world. Some believers ascribe life’s event to god’s plan or the will of god.

Most atheists don’t believe in fate or predestined events at all and take strictly logical stance on the reason for unusual or unexpected events.

Why Does Evil Exist?

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Believers tend to refer to the Bible when explaining the existence of the forces of good and evil. Some believe that demons and Satan are real, and represent the opposite of angels and God.  Many atheists believe that demons and Satan aren’t real either, and that all of it is a way to cope with the fact that life is complex is difficult to understand. An atheist might ask a believer, why doesn’t god simply get rid of all evil if he is truly omnipotent?

Do You Think Atheists Are Bad?

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 Most religious people feel that atheists are misguided and may some day see the truth.  Atheists tend to feel strongly that religious people have been indoctrinated and predisposed to think a certain way.

Truths About Christianity That No One Is Ready To Hear

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Things People Say All the Time That Are Actually Taken from the Bible

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