As a responsible pet owner, it’s crucial to be aware of the foods that could potentially harm your dog. While dogs may seem willing to eat almost anything, it’s important to understand that not all human foods are safe for them. Feeding your dog certain foods can have serious consequences for their health and may even lead to a visit to the veterinarian or worse. In this article, we will explore in detail the specific foods that you should never feed your dog, which you might not have considered before.
Peaches and Plums

Peaches and plums are sweet and tasty, but the pits pose a risk to dogs’ digestive systems. If you want to give your dog some, you can ensure there’s no pit.
Corn on the Cob

Corn itself isn’t harmful to dogs. The problem is that the cob could be a potential choking hazard. Dogs’ jaws are powerful enough to break the cob in half or into large chunks, but they are still hazardous.
Rhubarb Leaves or Tomato Leaves

If you have a garden and grow tomatoes or rhubarb, be careful when your dog is around it. If they ingest the leaves, which contain oxalates, they’ll get very sick and vomit a lot.

Mushrooms that humans commonly eat are fine, but mushrooms picked from outdoors could poison them, just like they do humans.
Onions or chives

Onions are often in many dishes people eat, so be careful when giving your dog leftovers. Onions and chives contain both disulfides and sulfoxides like thiosulphate, which pose a significant risk to red blood cells and could cause anemia.
Chicken Bones

Dogs love to eat chicken bones. Some crunch them up whole and swallow them; others take them over to the corner and chew on them slowly to savor the flavor. As much as they like chicken bones, the shards that can result from them cause damage to their stomach or other organs. Fish bones can also harm your dog, hurting their mouth, stomach, or other organs. That’s the reason why humans can’t eat them!

Avocados might be delicious, but they’re harmful to dogs. That’s because they contain something called persin, which causes vomiting diarrhea, and could cause heart muscle damage. Plus, the pit is a choking hazard!
Raisins and Grapes

Grapes and raisins, which are essentially dried grapes, can be very harmful to your pup’s kidneys. Even a bit can really make your dog sick, and a lot could lead to kidney failure.

Dogs can experience very uncomfortable symptoms after eating almonds. These include stomach aches, diarrhea, and sometimes vomiting.
Apple Seeds

Apples themselves are fine for dogs, but the seeds, if ingested in relatively high amounts, are toxic. They contain a chemical called amygdalin that emits cyanide during the digestion process.

In small amounts, garlic isn’t a serious threat, but in higher amounts, it can have the same effect on dogs as onions and chives.
Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts should never be fed to any dog because they are toxic even in relatively small amounts! It can cause life-threatening pancreatic issues.

The caffeine in chocolate is very potent for a dog, considering its smaller body. High amounts of caffeine can increase a dog’s blood pressure and cause other symptoms like vomiting or even seizures.

Popcorn usually is fine for big dogs. But for smaller dogs, the kernels can get lodged in their throats, stuck in their teeth, and cause intestinal discomfort.
Milk and dairy

Dogs become lactose intolerant after they are done nursing. That’s why dairy products cause indigestion and stomach aches, including smelly gas
Cat food

Cat food isn’t toxic for dogs, but it’s not designed for their bodies. The level of fats and protein is much higher than with dog food, so this could lead to obesity and even pancreatic issues.
Beer and alcohol

It should go without saying, but you should never give alcoholic drinks to a dog. The amount that a dog can tolerate is much lower than a human, posing the risk of alcohol poisoning.
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