11 Ways to Find Hidden Cameras in Any Place You Stay

Krystal Smith

When staying in a new place, whether it’s a hotel room, rental property, or even a friend’s house, the last thing you want is to feel like your privacy is being invaded. Hidden cameras can be discreetly placed in common objects, making it challenging to detect them. However, with a few strategic steps and some practical tools, you can ensure your personal space remains private. Here are 11 clever techniques to uncover hidden cameras and safeguard your privacy.

Check the Mirrors 

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Cameras can also be hidden behind two-way mirrors. Luckily, you can quickly check if a mirror is safe. Place your finger against the mirror and observe the space between your finger and its reflection. If there’s a gap, it’s a regular mirror. It might be a two-way glass with a hidden camera if they seem to touch. Another thing you can do is tap on it—if it has a “solid” sound, it’s probably safe.

Use Your Phone’s Camera

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Some hidden cameras use infrared light, which is invisible to the naked eye but can be detected by smartphone cameras. To check if your phone can spot infrared light, try pointing it at the end of a TV remote. If you see a burst of purple or white light on your phone screen, it means your camera can detect infrared. Turn off the lights in the room and use your phone to scan for sources of infrared light.

Test for Signal Disruptions

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Some surveillance cameras emit radio waves that can interfere with phone signals. For instance, you might hear annoying crackling or buzzing while on a call near a hidden camera. To check, call someone and walk around slowly, listening for interference. If your call quality drops in certain spots, a hidden camera might be nearby. 

Examine Your Surroundings

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If you suspect hidden cameras are in your surroundings, start by thoroughly searching the area. Take your time to look closely; hidden cameras can be concealed in everyday objects like smoke detectors, books, or stuffed animals. Check places like electrical outlets, tissue boxes, and wall clocks. You should also check outdoors to see where hidden cameras may be found in house plants, doorbell areas, or even on the roof.

Look for Unusual Objects 

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Look closely at unusual or out-of-place objects. If you’ve been to the place before, check for any changes in the environment. Pay extra attention to common hiding spots like paintings and smoke detectors. If you find a camera, cover or unplug it, but remember that some devices may still work even when unplugged.

Use a Flashlight 

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In certain situations, you can use a flashlight to look for hidden cameras. Dim the lights and shine the flashlight around the room, paying attention to any small reflections, especially ones that are purple or blue. If you notice a reflection, look closer at the object to see if it could be a hidden camera.

Look for Objects That Emit Light

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Another way to find a hidden camera is to check for lights. Some hidden cameras have small LED lights that blink or shine in the dark. To find such cameras, make the room as dark as possible by closing the blinds and turning off lights. Then, look for any objects that emit light. 

Check Your Wi-Fi Network List

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Some cameras might connect to the internet for remote monitoring. If they use Wi-Fi and connect to your network, you can scan for them with a smartphone network scanner app. Once you install this app, look for any unfamiliar or suspicious device names on your Wi-Fi network list.

Download a Hidden Camera Detection App 

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Download a hidden camera spy detection app on your phone but make sure to use your device’s app store to avoid malware. These apps often use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and infrared scanning to detect hidden cameras. After downloading, follow the app’s instructions carefully for the best results in finding hidden cameras.

Buy a Spy Camera Detector

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Alternatively, you can buy a specialized hidden camera detector on online marketplaces like Amazon. These detectors work by detecting wireless signals that are used by cameras to transmit data. Prices range from twenty to a few hundred dollars. Make sure to follow instructions carefully and unplug household items that might interfere. Though these devices aren’t that cheap, they are designed for this purpose and can be worth it.

Hire a Specialist

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If you need more than the tips on this list to give you peace of mind, consider hiring a professional technician to sweep for hidden cameras, especially if you’re staying long-term or for important events. While hiring a specialist might cost more, it’s worth it for expert-level detection and assurance. Technicians use specialized equipment and have the training to locate hidden cameras, even those cleverly disguised as everyday objects. 

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